
Programs featuring life science industry trends and experts

Smart Programs, Virtually

Long-running webinar series featuring industry trends and best practices, highlighting the experiences of life science experts and entrepreneurs who have successfully launched, funded and grown early-stage companies.

Panels of esteemed experts, consisting of leading researchers and industry professionals, connect biotech innovators with knowledge, capital, talent, and collaborative opportunities. There is an extensive archive of recorded events on Vimeo that we invite you to view.

Engaging presentations, interactive discussions, and Q&A sessions

Learn from leading experts in diverse life science fields in a virtual setting

Exposure to cutting-edge research, case studies, and real-world examples

upcoming events


For information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Becky Beattie, CEO.

“Thank you for helping startups with your programming, it's been so beneficial and I'm grateful for finding you.”

“Fantastic job today on the panel everyone! Please continue to spread your positive words in the community.”

“Great presenter and unique funding approach, highly appreciate d to bring that to our attention!” “Well done!”